Documentation > Services API > ServicesInput > ShowInputHeader(Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,String,String,ShowDate,ShowSummary)
Generates generic Page Fields for input Creates a standard content header for use across your site. Consistent fieldnames can simplify maintenance and revisions of templates.
public System.Void ShowInputHeader(Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,String,String,ShowDate,ShowSummary)
Name | Description | Type |
showPageLabel | Displays text box for the Page Label | System.Boolean |
showPageTitle | Displays text box for the Page Title | System.Boolean |
showShortTitle | Displays text box for the Pages alternative shorter title | System.Boolean |
showAuthor | Toggle display of author information | System.Boolean |
authorFolderPath | Path of folder that holds author assets | System.String |
authorTemplateName | Name of the template used by the author assets | System.String |
showDate | Enum to toggle display of date. Options are: ShowDate.SimpleDate or ShowDate.FullDate. Default is ShowDate.None. | CrownPeak.CMSAPI.Services.ServicesInput+ShowDate |
showSummary | Enum to toggle the use of a WYSIWYG or a text box for the summary. Options are: ShowSummary.WYSIWYG or ShowSummary>Textbox. Default is ShowSummary.None. | CrownPeak.CMSAPI.Services.ServicesInput+ShowSummary |
Code Example
ServicesInput.ShowInputHeader(true, true, true, false, "", "Author", ServicesInput.ShowDate.FullDate, ServicesInput.ShowSummary.WYSIWYG);