Documentation > Access API

CMS Access API

The CMS Access API is a new library that enables web developers to create customer applications that directly access many of the classes from outside the CMS. Developers can now create, import, and manage CMS Assets, Configurations, and Workflows through a set of public API calls protect by access controls and rate limiting governors. Below is the list of classes and corresponding methods (a.k.a. member functions). Click on the method to see the details of each function including the parameter list and an real world example.

Last updated: Build ()


The Asset web api function calls are used to manage assets in the CMS. These calls allow external programs to create, update, delete assets using the POST, PUT, and DELETE calls.



The Auth web api function calls are used to authenticate with the CMS. These calls allow external programs to login and logout using the POST method.



The Report web api function calls are used to allow a user to see the statisics regarding their instance.



The Util web api function calls utility methods within CMS. These calls allow external programs to use utility methods.



The Workflow web api function calls are used to manage workflows in the CMS. These calls allow external programs to create, update, and delete workflows using the POST, PUT, and DELETE calls.


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