Documentation > Services API > ServicesInput > ShowDescInput(Asset,String,String,Int32,Int32)


Generic Page Fields Note: This will create a section that includes an image upload control. The Image upload control is setup to create a thumbnail on upload. Upload.aspx and post_input.aspx are not needed to manage the images. The original image name will be "original" and the resulting thumbnail will be called "thumbnail" unless a different values are passed to the optional originalName or thumbnailName fields. The alt text field name will be thumbnailName + "_alt"

public System.Void ShowDescInput(Asset,String,String,Int32,Int32)


asset current asset, used to display additional controls if the template label is "Detail Page" CrownPeak.CMSAPI.Asset
originalName Optional: The fieldname to use for the original image. Default is "original" System.String
thumbnailName Optional: The fieldname to use for the thumbnail. Default is "thumbnail" System.String
width Optional: The desired width. Default 95 System.Int32
height Optional: The desired height. Default 63 System.Int32

Code Example



            ServicesInput.ShowDescInput(asset, "original_image", "thumbnail", 50, 50);

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