Documentation > CMS Template API Library > Input > ShowSelectDate(String,String,Boolean,Boolean,Int32,String,Boolean,String,Boolean)


Shows a date selector control. Dates are stored in the format "MM/dd/yyyy".

public System.Void ShowSelectDate(String,String,Boolean,Boolean,Int32,String,Boolean,String,Boolean)


label The label of the field when displayed. System.String
fieldName The field name where the value will be stored. System.String
multiple Optional: defaults to false. Select multiple, comma-separated dates. System.Boolean
range Optional: defaults to false. Select a range of dates. System.Boolean
size Optional: defaults to 13. Width of the field. System.Int32
helpMessage Optional: help message System.String
readOnly Optional: Make the text box read only. Defaults to false System.Boolean
popupMessage Optional: The popup help message. System.String
alwaysSend Optional: If true, the value of the field will always be sent from the frontend to the backend regardless of whether its state has changed. System.Boolean

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