Documentation > CMS Template API Library > FedAuthHosting
Utlities for loading and saving Configuration
Name | Description | Type |
GetFedAuthSites | Finds the deploy record that applies to the given folder and returns all the packages that have fed auth enabled |
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GetFedPackage | Pass the publishingpackage from the current context and get a FedPublishingPackage which has additional data. |
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LoadAuthConfigFromXml | Takes an Xml string and returns a AuthConfiguration object. |
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LoadProviderConfigFromXml | Takes an Xml string and returns a ProviderConfiguration object. |
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LoadUserConfigFromXml | Takes an Xml string and returns a UserConfiguration object. If the string is null or empty, the object will contain an empty user list Use the UserConfiguration to Add, remove or modify users that can access the website that is using this configuration. |
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SaveAuthConfigToXml | Takes a AuthConfiguration object and returns an XML representation that is compatible with the Fed Auth Hosting module The token $HOSTNAME$ will be replaced by the actual package hostname if it is available |
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SaveProviderConfigToXml | Takes a ProviderConfiguration object and returns an XML representation that is compatible with the Fed Auth Hosting module The token $HOSTNAME$ will be replaced by the actual package hostname if it is available |
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SaveUserConfigToXml | Takes a UserConfiguration object and returns an XML representation that is compatible with the Fed Auth Hosting module |
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ValidateAuthConfig | The same logic used at publish time when publishing the auth.config file on a Fed Auth enabled package. You can use it to test your auth.config's validity before publishing. Its job is to make sure that the properties in the configuration match the properties in the Fed Auth Package configuraiton to prevent tampering. |
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ValidateWebConfig | This is the same logic used on web.config files at publish time when publishing to packages where Fed Auth is enabled. You can use it to test your web.config's validity before publishing. |
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