Documentation > CMS Template API Library > AssetPropertyNames
An enumeration representing the names of properties of the class. Can be used in .
Possible enumeration values:
Name | Description | Value |
BranchId |
The branch id. Usually the same as the id, but different if the asset is a branch of another asset. This can be used for filtering, but not sorting. |
13 |
ChangeDate |
The DateTime the asset was changed |
5 |
CheckoutDate |
The DateTime the asset was checkedout |
6 |
CreateDate |
The DateTime the asset was created |
3 |
CreatedFromModelId |
This is the id of the model asset used to create this one. |
10 |
FolderId |
Asset id of the parent folder. |
1 |
Id |
Asset's unique id. |
0 |
IsDeleted |
A flag which shows the asset has been deleted, but not yet purged (Takes 2 weeks) |
16 |
IsHidden |
A flag which shows if the asset was hidden |
15 |
Label |
Name of the asset. |
7 |
ModelId |
The id of the model that is assigned to the asset. For folders. This is the id of a folder whose children show up in the "New" menu when this folder is selected. This can be used for filtering, but not sorting. |
11 |
ModifiedDate |
The DateTime the asset was modified |
4 |
PublishDate |
The DateTime the asset was published |
14 |
ShortcutId |
The shortcut id. Usually the same as the id, but different if the asset is a shortcut that points to another. |
12 |
StatusDate |
The Date and Time the asset moved into it's current workflow step. |
18 |
TemplateId |
This is the id of the folder holding C# template files for this asset. |
9 |
TemplateLabel |
The "Label" (Not full path) of the folder which is assigned as a template. This can be used for filtering, but not sorting. |
8 |
Type |
The asset type (File or Folder). Use FilterParams.Add(Comparison comparisonOperator, AssetType type) to filter on this. |
17 |
WorkflowId |
The WorkflowId of the asset |
2 |