The Crownpeak developer center delivers information about our API libraries, allowing developers direct access across the Crownpeak platform.
CMS Template API

The CMS Template API library is used within the system to create input forms and output layouts.
Service Template API

The Service Template Library extends the CMS Template Library and is an additional collection of classes designed to streamline development.
CMS Access API

The CMS Access API is a library that enables web developers to create external customer applications.
DQM API Service

Integrate Digital Quality Management capabilities into other platforms and applications. Includes an API explorer for easy testing.
UCP Implementation Guide

Implement Universal Consent Platform (UCP) for different consent scenarios. Includes code samples and recomendations for different tag managers.
Best Practices

Crownpeak best practice documentation provides code samples for implementing various API calls in your instance.
Desktop Connection ( CDC )
The Standalone Desktop Connection includes IntelliSense integration with Visual Studio. And it is still compatible with any text editor you choose.
DownloadVisual Studio Add-in ( CDC )
The Visual Studio Desktop Connection Add-in is optimized for use with Visual Studio 2015. It supports creating and editing templates using the C# and Classic API.
DownloadWe Are Here 24/7,Challenging the Traditional Definition of Software Support
After launch, Crownpeak provides dedicated support to assist customers in fully utilizing Crownpeak solutions and meeting their business needs. This award-winning team of experts actively consults and advises customers, serving as strategic partners in the successful Crownpeak deployments. Assistance is available 24/7 for any problem customers may face. Read More
Advanced Functionality

The CMS Template and Service Template libraries work together to help developers manage Crownpeak Websites, Assets, Workflows, Users and numerous other CMS features through an intuitive C# based API language.
Improved Productivity

The Services Template API Library reduces the amount of code that developers have to create to implement features and functions.
Third Party Integrations

The CMS Access API is a powerful tool to link the CMS with third party applications and seamlessly transfer asset data and other forms of content.