Documentation > CMS Template API Library > InputForm > GetPanelsFromFolder(String,AssetParams,AssetType,String,String)


Gets a List of AssetPanelEntry objects which bind panel data with Assets found in either the current asset instance, if it a folder or the current asset's parent. Panel data will be data in the inputform which has not yet been committed.

public List<AssetPanelEntry> GetPanelsFromFolder(String,AssetParams,AssetType,String,String)


panelName The panel name System.String
assetParams Optional: An AssetParams object that allows you to change how the list of bound assets is generated. CrownPeak.CMSAPI.AssetParams
type Optional: Allows you to specify a type of asset (files or folders) to return. By default, both are returned. CrownPeak.CMSAPI.AssetType
labelName Optional: The string that will be used to store the folder's label when we store the panel data. Use lower case. Defaults to panelName + ".label" System.String
idName Optional: The string that will be used to store the folder's id when we store the panel data. Use lower case. Defaults to panelName + ".id" System.String

Code Example



               List<AssetPanelEntry> panels = context.InputForm.GetPanelsFromFolder("press_releases", "folder_list", labelName: "folder_label", idName: "folder_id");
               foreach(AssetPanelEntry panel in panels)
                 //Adding a new field called link so we don't ahve to check if it was an external or internal link in the output.
                 string link = "link_external";          
                 if ((panel["link_type"]).Equals("internal",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                   link = "link_internal";
                 panel["page_link"] = panel[link];

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